Email Marketing and The Greatest Deal My Dad Ever Made

Email marketing has been around since the beginning of email, which I just looked up was 1978… when JIMMY CARTER was president.

Thats 40 years ago. And since then email has come a LOOOOOONG way…

But is email marketing still RELEVANT?

I mean, just think about the development of technology, communication, and culture since then. Compared to Tik Tok email is downright ARCHAIC. Does it still have a place in your tabletop ecommerce or board game marketing?

Let me begin my answer by telling you a quick story about me and my Dad one fateful day in 2004….

On a sunny Saturday morning in early spring, my dad and I drove over to Big 5 Sporting Goods in Walnut Creek California.

Now parenting is many things: awe-inspiring, humbling, exciting, tiring, and also… EXPENSIVE.

Whether it’s diapers for babies, school supplies, or gear for extracurriculars, it adds up quick. And for that season my extracurricular gear revolved around baseball: cleats, bats, balls, and most importantly… the glove. 

I mean, without a good glove, you’re a liability out on the field, right? That was my logic at least… I don’t know if my dad was convinced, but eventually he gave in. And I was ECSTATIC; it would be my FIRST glove that was my very own and not a hammy-down.

We quickly found the baseball aisle and surrounded by mitts began searching for my new glove. After a few minutes I spotted one that stood out from all the others: soft dark brown leather, firm yet flexible construction, and a good fit… a clear upgrade from my glove since 2nd grade.

I turned to my dad with longing in my eyes, and he began to examine every inch of it… it was like he was a jeweler examining a diamond. After all, you don’t spend well over $100 on a 11 year old unless it is a PERFECT fit that will last years!

But while he failed to find any particular problems, one thing definitely stood out: the price tag… it was non-existant… someone had forgotten to label it.

We knew it was a nice mit, but we didn’t know if it was $100 or something crazy like $200.

So we walked on over to the cash register and inquired on the price. The cashier, a nice young lady clearly ignorant of baseball, looked at the glove for a moment, and made an offer:

“Hmmm… how about…uuuuh…  $19 bucks?”

My dad’s jaw hit the floor. 

Now there may have been a better glove in the aisle, but we didn’t go back to look. Before you could say “wait a minute… that’s waaaaaay too cheap for a nice baseball glove like this”, my dad and I were already driving home, glove in our possession. 

My dad saved at least $100 dollars that day… $5 saved for every $1 spent. It is a deal he will never forget (he brings it up whenever possible.


Why am I telling you all of this? What does this have to do with email marketing.

Because while this deal is the greatest my family has ever known, it pales in comparison to what email marketing can still do to you in 2024.

That amazing “return on investment” (ROI) my dad got in the baseball glove… $5:$1… is 6x LESS than the LOWEST estimates for competent email markeitng.

In other words:

The ROI for email marketing…


is AT LEAST $36:$1.

$36 for every $1 you invest making sure it works… that is nearly 6x greater than“the best deal ever” my dad raves about.

This, above all else, that’s why email copywriting is the first service I offer.

Does that mean you can throw social media away? Or Patreon is a bunch of baloney?!?

Hecka no way jose.

But it DOES mean that even mild improvements (segmentation, structure, funnel, copywriting, etc.) to what you are already doing results in HUGE gains. 

And in my experience, most D&D businesses are neglecting their emails to customers…  settling for singles when they could be hitting home runs. (see what I did there?)  

If you are curious if mild improvements to your emails might lead to huge gains, shoot me back and email and we’ll arrange a quick discovery call!


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